Wednesday, September 23, 2015

76 Trombones

Last week I came with a lot of information, including 8 different worlds. That, as I noted at the end, was a bit much. The first thing to happen was that 3 of those worlds where cut from the animation leaving only Main World, Fantasy World, Evil World, Water World, and Cliff World.

Work in progress is still underway with [Anna’s] new character design. I have a idea I really like for the cloths but am still working on the face. I also want to wait on posting anything for her before I can get designs for all her looks done.

What do I mean by that?

If you recall the idea is that she changes what she is made of each time she jumps worlds. Hence, the need for multiple designs.

Moving on.

76 Trombones....kind of.

The main focus this week was timing. I put together a ruff board-o-matic* with a scratch audio track. I am still not 100% sure if there will be background music or just sound effects, and not all the effects I want to start with are in this things...but you can get the basic idea of what I’m going for in tone.

  • We where technically asked to create an animatic but I did a board-o-matic. Let me explain the difference as it was explained to me. A board-o-matic is where you take the storyboard frame you have and aline them to audio, moving the frame around on screen is about the extent of the animation. An animatic is when you have primitive models posing out the major actions. All cameras are in place, everything needing to be modeled in there in basic form, and the audio is secured - if not locked in place. That is how I was taught and unless someone tells me that is completely wrong it is the way it will stay.

On that note, here’s my board-o-matic.

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