Thursday, December 3, 2015

It's the Final Countdown

Hello again! Hope you had a happy Thanksgiving last week, but now it is time to move to the main stuff we’re all here for.

Finals are coming up fast, actually a week from today. Meaning by then everything for this first part has to be done. To prep for that, today we have a kind for Pre-Finals day. Showing what we have (hopefully it is nearly done) and critique things that are fixable within the next week.

So for you, my Pre-Final:

(You might have noticed that I’m back on YouTube. I didn't want to, but the video is too big for blogger. I will be coming up with something different -in time- for the finals.)

What still needs to be done:
-Title Page
-Temp credits
-add shadow to couch
-add foreshadowing pictures
-better transition between worlds
-fix camera/trees in turn-around
-create 2nd “portal”
-cutout ‘squirrel’
-cutout Pepper
-add particles?

Alright….that might seem like a lot, and it will take time, but it isn’t too bad. Not exactly where I wanted to be today, but I’ll live.


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